My plan for a content based image search

I saw this job posting from EyeEm, a photo sharing app / service, in which they express their wish/plan to build a search engine that can ‘identify and understand beautiful photographs’. That got me thinking about how I would approach building a system like that.

Here is how I would start:

1. Define what you are looking for

eyeem.brandenburgertorEyeEm already has a search engine based on tags and geo-location. So I assume, they want to prevent low quality pictures to appear in the results and add missing tags to pictures, based on the image’s content. One could also group similar looking pictures or rank those pictures lower which “don’t contain their tags”.  For instance for the Brandenburger Tor there are a lot of similar looking pictures and even some that don’t contain the gate at all.

But for which concepts should one train the algo-rithms? Modern image retrieval systems are trained for hundreds of concepts, but I don’t think it is wise to start with that many. Even the most sophisticated, fine tuned systems have high error rates for most of the concepts as can be seen in this year’s results of the Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge.

For instance the team from EUVision / University of Amsterdam, placed 6 in the classification challenge, only selected 16 categories for their consumer app Impala. For a consumer application I think their tags are a good choice:

  • Architecture
  • Babies
  • Beaches
  • Cars
  • Cats (sorry, no dogs)
  • Children
  • Food
  • Friends
  • Indoor
  • Men
  • Mountains
  • Outdoor
  • Party life
  • Sunsets and sunrises
  • Text
  • Women

But of course EyeEm has the luxury of looking at their log files to find out what their users are actually searching for.

And on a comparable task of classifying pictures into 15 scene categories a team from MIT under Antonio Torralba showed that even with established algorithms one can achieve nearly 90% accuracy [Xiao10]. So I think it’s a good idea to start with a limited number of standard and EyeEm specific concepts, which allows for usable recognition accuracy even with less sophisticated approaches.

But what about identifying beautiful photographs? I think in image retrieval there is no other concept which is more desirable and challenging to master. What does beautiful actually mean? What features make a picture beautiful? How do you quantify these features? Is beautiful even a sensibly concept for image retrieval? Might it be more useful trying to predict which pictures will be `liked` or `hearted` a lot? These questions have to be answered before one can even start experimenting. I think for now it is wise to start with just filtering out low quality pictures and to try to predict what factors make a picture popular.

2. Gather datasets

Not only do the systems need to be trained with example photographs for which we know the depicted concepts, we also need data to evaluate our system to be sure that the implemented system really works as intended. But to gather useful datasets for learning and benchmarking is one of the hardest and most overlooked tasks. To draw meaningful conclusions the dataset must consist of huge quantities of realistic example pictures with high and consistent metadata. In our case here, I would aggregate existing datasets that contain labeled images for the categories we want to learn.

For starters the ImageNet, the Scene Understanding and the Faces in the Wild databases seem usable. Additionally one could manually add pictures from Flickr, google image search and EyeEm’s users.

Apart from a rather limited dataset of paintings and pictures of nature from the Computational Aesthetics Group of the University Jena, Germany, I don’t know any good dataset to evaluate how well a system detects beautiful images. Researchers either harvest photo communities that offer peer-rated ‘beautifulness’ scores such as [Datta06] or [Poga12], or they collect photos themselves and rate the pictures themselves for visual appeal [Poga12, Tang13].

The problem with datasets harvested from photo communities is that they suffer from self selection bias, because users only upload their best shots. As a result there are few low quality shots to train the system.

Never the less I would advise to collect the data inhouse. If labeling an image as low quality takes one second, one person can label 30.000 images in less then 10h. And even if we accept that one picture has to be labeled by multiple persons to minimize unwanted subjectivity, this approach would ensure, that the system has the same notion of beauty as favored by EyeEm.

3. Algorithms to try

I would start with established techniques like the Bag of visual Words approach (BoW). As the before mentioned MIT paper describes, over 80% accuracy can already be achieved with this method for a comparable task of classifying 15 indoor and outdoor scenes [Xiao10]. While this approach originally relies on the patented SIFT feature detector and descriptor, one can choose from a whole list of new free alternatives, which deliver comparable performance while being much faster and having a lower memory footprint [Miksik2012].  In the MIT paper they also combined BoW with other established methods to increase the accuracy to nearly 90%.

The next step than would be to use Alex Krizhevsk’s implementation of a deep convolutional neural network which he used to win last year’s Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge. The code is freely available online. While being much more powerful this system is also much harder to train, with many parameters to train with out good existing heuristics.

But these two approaches wont really help assessing the beauty of pictures or identifying the low quality ones. If one agrees with Microsoft Research’s view of photo quality, defined by simplicity, (lack of) realism and quality of craftsmanship, one could start with the algorithms they designed to classify between high quality professional photos and low quality snapshots. [Ke06]


Specific for the case at hand I predict that the filters will cause problems. They change the colors and some of them add high and low frequency elements. This will decrease the accuracy of the algorithm. To prevent this the analysis has to be performed on the phone or the unaltered image has to be uploaded as well.

Low quality or not?

If I remember correctly I once read that EyeEm applies the filters in full resolution to pictures on their servers and downloads the result to the user’s phones afterwards. If this is still the case both approaches are feasible. But as phones get more and more powerful a system which works on the phone is to be preferred as it is inherently more scalable.

Another challenge would be to distinguish between low quality pictures and pictures that break the rules of photography on purpose. The picture on the right for example has a blue undertone, low contrast and is quite blurry. But while these features make this image special, they would also trigger the low quality detector. It will be interesting to see if machine learning algorithms can learn to distinguish between the two cases.

So to recap:

1. Make sure the use case is sound.
2. Collect loads of data to train and evaluate.
3. Start with simple, proven algorithms and increase the complexity step by step.

How good is Google Drive’s image recognition engine?

As announced via twitter I took the time to test Google Drive’s image recognition feature. Google Drive was announced two weeks ago with a blog post, which contained the bold claim:

Search everything. Search by keyword and filter by file type, owner and more. … We also use image recognition so that if you drag and drop photos from your Grand Canyon trip into Drive, you can later search for [grand canyon] and photos of its gorges should pop up. This technology is still in its early stages, and we expect it to get better over time.

This sparked my curiosity, so I evaluated Google Drive’s performance like I would with the image recognition frameworks I do my research on. First I uploaded an image dataset and with images containing known objects and then counted how many of the pictures Google Drive’s search would find, if I search for these objects.

As dataset I used the popular  Caltech 101 dataset containing pictures of objects belonging to 101 different categories. There are about 40 to 800 images per category and roughly 4500 images in total. While being far from perfect, it is a well-known contender.

These are my first finding:

  • Google Drive only finds a fraction of the images, but the images it finds it categorizes correctly.

  • In numbers: Precision is 83% (std=36%) and the recall is 8% (std=11%) (averaged over all categories)
  • The best results it achieves for the two ‘comic’ categories ‘Snoopy’ and ‘Garfield’ and for iconic symbols like the dollar bill and the stop sign.
  • As the The Caltech 101 dataset was created using Google’s image search the high precision is at least partly a result of a ‘simple’ duplicate detection with the Google index and not of a successful similarity search.


As all vision systems working in such an unconstrained environment they are far from being actually usable. One cannot rely on them, but once or twice they will surprise you by adding an image to the result list, that one hasn’t thought of.

Further resources:


Link to Matlab code which achieves 65% precision with 100% recall.*

* The numbers are not comparable 1-to-1 as both use a different evaluation approach. The Matlab script assigns to each image of the dataset its most likely class, while google drive tries to find a concept or object in the image.

Reconsidering evaluation data sets

In this blog post I want to share some interessting articles which deal with data sets in computer vision. For starters, in this blog post Tomasz Malisiewicz draws attention to a video lecture by Peter Norvig (Google) in which Mr Norvig showed some interesting results

where algorithms that obtained the best performance on a small dataset no longer did the best when the size of the training set was increased by an order of magnitude. … Also, the mediocre algorithms in the small training size regime often outperformed their more complicated counterparts once more data was utilized.

This is indeed interesting as it is always hard to say how much training and test data is necessary and most scientist, me as well, a far more interested in working on their precious algorithm instead of collecting a solid ground truth. Furthermore, as I pointed out in a comment for Tomasz’ blog post, using 10 times as many pictures would mean, I could only evaluate 3 feature combinations in the time I could have evaluated 30.

Answering to my question on how to handle that trade-off, he advocates nonparametric* approaches and

combining learning with data-driven approaches to reduce test time complexity.

I agree with him, that we definitely should spent more time and effort creating larger groundtruth sets, instead of optimizing our algorithms for a groundtruth that is too small to reveal anything.

For further reading I refer to Prof. Jain’s Blog, where he claims in his blog post, Evaluating Multimedia Algorithms, that the existing data sets for photo retrieval are

too small such as the Corel or Pascal datasets, too specific like the TRECVID dataset, or without ground truth, such as the several recent efforts by MIT and MSRA that gathered millions of Web images for testing,

and promotes his concept for gathering controlled data ground truths.

As the third read the Scienceblog features a story about a James DiCarlo, a neuroscientist in the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT and graduates students Nicolas Pinto and David Cox of the Rowland Harvard Institute who

argue that natural photographic image sets, like the widely used Caltech101 database, have design flaws that enable computers to succeed where they would fail with more authentically varied images. For example, photographers tend to center objects in a frame and to prefer certain views and contexts. The visual system, by contrast, encounters objects in a much broader range of conditions.

They go on

We suspected that the supposedly natural images in current computer vision tests do not really engage the central problem of variability, and that our intuitions about what makes objects hard or easy to recognize are incorrect.”

I think all the three articles remind us, to reconsider the data sets we use for evaluation. Regarding their size,noisiness and their ‘naturality’.

* nonparametric as in using rank or order of the images